Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Well, after months of experimenting, we finally found something that Wes is allergic to.
What it is, we are not quite sure, but we have narrowed it down to the following short list:
His many, many medications
Rice cereal
Sleeping in his own bed

Check out my poor, itchy man:
So, we paged our liver doc in Houston last night and got the ok for some benadryl.
It seemed to clear up over night, but by noon today, it was back with a vengence.
We took a field trip to the ER.
The nurse repeatedly asked me if we had fleas or bugs in our house, because the hives had bumps in them...
Long story short, hives of unknown origin; Remedy: mega doses of benadryl; Result: non-itchy snooze-fest

Gone! Lights out.

We were able to come home. Yea!
The hives seem to have cleared up for now.
He felt good enough to watch "Minions" with Emmy and play with some toys
(I hope our flea infestation doesn't include the carpet in his room...)
I'm practicing, Coach Brown! I'll be ready to wear the Burnt Orange in 18 years!


Anonymous said...

What a day!!!! I am so happy he is doing much better.

Anonymous said...

Ouch !!!!! Poor Big W !!!! Hope he's well enough for the season finale of "Swamp People" w/ Daddy.

