Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weston 2.0 Update

TCH Day 15, Post-Transplant Day 2

If you are my Facebook friend, I am sorry that this is mostly a repeat of the mid-day update.

I ran into one of our 12th floor friends in the ICU waiting room this morning...her son received his transplant last night!! AND another B liver! 3 liver transplants since Thursday. Unbelievably amazing.
I am SO OVERJOYED for them!! 

Weston is still intubated and requring a lot of sedation. Versed is his drug of choice.
He received a blood transfusion this morning and followed it up with some Lasix to help pull some fluid off.
I was able to see his chest x-ray this morning. It has improved, still a little "wet". Hopefully, that Lasix will help him and we can move toward extubation tomorrow.
Speaking of his XR, I saw his little teeth on the film!! Super neat-o!

And how awesome is his kick-a** new liver?
Uber awesome!
His biliruben level is NORMAL.
His liver enzymes have HALVED from yesterday.
He is pink and rosy.

He is still running a fever and the liver team approved a one time order of Tylenol.
When we left this evening, his temp was under 100F.
Nothing has grown in the previous cultures, but they re-cultured everything just to double check. They also started a new heavy duty antibiotic, Vancomycin, to cover their bases while the cultures are pending.

Billy and I were talking, (face to face! :-) ) and even though W is having a little trouble coming off the vent, we have such a different attitude this time around than post-Kasai. That was the most difficult thing I have ever been through, seeing my infant son post-op, on a vent, and with drains/lines coming out of everywhere.
This time, he is still post-op on a major surgery, on a vent, with drains/lines everywhere. But, unlike last time, we have HOPE. Last time, we had a devestating diagnosis. This time, we have our son with his second chance at life.

Emily went home with her Nana this afternoon. I wish I had more time to spend with her and that she could have come up to the hospital to see Wes. She hasn't seen him in over 2.5 weeks. She asks about him everyday. Such a sweet, loving child. We want to give a special "thank you" to Uncle Johnny and AuntieM for keeping, feeding and loving Emily this weekend, and especially to Miss Allie and "Kimmery" for babysitting and slumber parties.

Tomorrow is a big day! All members of the liver team will be by to see Weston! I can't wait for them to see my BA-free baby!!


Anonymous said...

By HIS Grace everything just keeps getting better..Kiss Wes for granny

llsigmund said...

Hello maam. My name is Laura and my son Quinton is 7 months and has biliary atresia. If you're ok with it, I would love to keep in contact with you. We definately have something in common and it really helps to know families who are going through the same circumstances as us. If and when you're feeling up to it, my email is and my facebook screen name is laura.sigmund or you could search my name. I am soo happy that your handsome son is doing so much better! God truly does answer prayers! God Bless and I hope to hear from you soon!!
