Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Don't Call CPS!

Poor Bubby!
Our curse has started to affect our monkeys. 
Sunday, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce Wes to the big boy swing. After all, he will be 2 in a few weeks.
I was hovering and barely moving him back and forth.
He was having a blast.
Then, we stopped and went to get off. I let go of the chains for a second and he leaned forward and fell out. 
Mother of the year.
He cried and cried forever.
Fast-forward to later that evening.
Still guarding and refusing to bear weight.
Our first trip to the Emergency Room.

Look at that crazy hair!

After a 3.5 hours, the X-Rays showed no fractures in the pelvis or femurs. 
We went home thinking he just had a bad bruise. 

Monday he stayed home with Nana while Daddy and I went to work.
Still not walking and very tender on the right leg.

Tuesday, Daddy stayed home with little man and took him back to the ER for more X-Rays.
This time they shot ALL of his leg and what do you know, he has a small, non-displaced fracture in his distal tibia.
Bubby! :'-(

Just chillin' with my broken leg

Splint for 24 hours


Lounging with Mommy, watching cartoons

This afternoon was our appointment with the orthopedist. 
Dub has to wear a full leg cast for TWO WEEKS.
No walking.
He was nice enough to give us a water-proof cast (yay for real baths!!) and let us pick out the colors.
We opted for a manly camo.

I'm a bad ass with my broken leg, camo cast and angry dinosaur
But I have a soft side, too <3


Anonymous said...

It breaks my heart to see him in that cast. I hope things settle down for awhile. I have to look for a great Birthday present for my little man. Give him HUGS and Kisses for Me. Kiss Miss Emily too.

Megan Sebek said...

Why in the world is Austin not up with the times? For real!!!! Where was our waterproof cast???!!!!!
He looks great... Two weeks will FLY compared to 4. Miss y'all!!!
