Thursday, February 2, 2012

No Longer Street Urchins

The Daddy has been pressing me to get Bubby's hair cut for some time. I trimmed his baby tail months ago, but there is something sad about a baby's first haircut. I don't know why, don't ask.
But, I noticed as I was brushing Emmy's hair this morning, that her bangs were ridiculously long...and I had been toying with the idea of getting it chopped off because, truthfully, I can't stand the whining every morning and battle when it comes time to brush and fix the hair..

Funny how much older, and like a little man he looks and she looks much younger. Oh, and the haircut came with nail polish, glitter, rings and balloons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are so cute. I remember the first haircut for both you and Kyle. It tugs at your heart. They look like they liked it though. I am envious of Emily's nail polish. Hope all is well at home.
