Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bilingual Scooter

This has been a rough week...

1. Infirmed: Long story short, I have recently been diagnosed with asthma, two fractured ribs and areas of collapsed lung. How does this happen?? Allergies and never ending upper respiratory infections caused the asthma; the untreated asthma caused a nonstop hacking cough, which fractured two of my ribs; because broken ribs hurt like a ________, I am not breathing as deeply as I should, hence the pockets of collapsed lung. Fun times.

2. Exhausted: As seen in the previous post, we introduced "sweet-tatoes" to E. She loves them, but they don't love her. She has had some tummy trouble, ALWAYS at 3 in the morning. From 3 to 5, she fusses and goes in and out of sleep. If E ain't sleepin', ain't no one sleepin'.

3. Annoyed: The wiener dog is back from "Camp Nana". He is making us nuts. He is not dealing well with being second fiddle to Emily. He is constantly underfoot, barking, trying to beat us out the door, stealing Emily's toys, harassing us during splishy fish...

Enough griping...Emmalina said "agua" this morning. Or, at least I thought she did. Remember we are deliriously sleep deprived. And when I picked her up from daycare this afternoon, they said she scooted across the floor on her belly! I promptly took her home and tried to recreate this. I guess there is too much traction on the carpet, as she did more doggie paddling sans "agua". But she put all her heart into it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes little ones can be allergic to sweet potatoes...I've heard its common. And, I can't believe all that asthma/broken rib/collapsed lung stuff! Oh my gosh! Shanon can sympathize with the asthma...its not fun. I hope you get to feeling better soon!
