Saturday, November 29, 2008

Puppy Love

Girl meets unsuspecting wiener dog

Wiener dog realizes nothing good can come of this meeting and desperately tries to escape

Girl catches unsuspecting wiener dog

Girl pokes out victim's eyes

And wrestles victim into a headlock
This gruesome tale ends with the wiener dog giving E a kiss then stealing her toy...he's a good pup.

What an adorable little predator.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We are home! We had such a great time visiting family and friends in New Orleans. But, I think we are all happy to be home. I think Emily remembered her room! We walked in and she looked at her crib and smiled. :)
Here's to going to bed early and unpacking later.
Christmas pictures tomorrow!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

So Thankful

How incredibly blessed we are...

Happy Thanksgiving


Hook'em Horns

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

All Beauty, No Brains

This one is all about The Mommy...
I have often dreamed about being stopped for "Jay Walking" and knowing all the answers. It makes me crazy to hear some of the stupid answers people give to the most obvious questions. Well, today I got my chance. Not with Jay Leno, but with Chef Frank Davis at the grocery store. I was totally caught off guard with a loaf of bread and infant Tylenol in my hands, preparing to peruse the lunch meat selection.

Before you laugh at my stupidity, lets see if you know the answers to the Thanksgiving Trivia:

1. When was the first Thanksgiving?
-"I have no idea. Sometime before 1776."

2. What is a female turkey called?
-"I know a male turkey is a Hoakie, I guess a female turkey is a hen."

3. So what is male turkey called?
-"Definitely a Hoakie."

4. What is the hanging skin under a turkey's beak called?

5. What did they eat at the first Thanksgiving?
-"Wild game and corn."

Seriously. Why couldn't he have asked how to tend to a turkey bite? I don't deal in history. Ugh.

Girl's Gotta Have Shoes!

Today was a rough day for my little one. Guillermo (the new tooth) has been bugging her. My normally sweet, smiling little lady was fussy all day. Baby Tylenol helped take the edge off, but the real pain relief came with shoe shopping!! That's my girl :) Seriously, other than splishy fish time, it was the only time she was happy and content. Meme bought her two new pairs of shoes and Nana bought her a pretty dress to wear when she gets a little older. We ended up having to buy the first pair she tried on, because she put them in her mouth. They had a strict, "you gum it, you buy it" policy.
I don't think she knows what to think of her new shoes. It seems it further impedes the progress of her eating her foot.

Kathy and David stopped in to say hello this afternoon as well. Tomorrow is going to be a big day with lots of family waiting to meet the E. :)

Later gators.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Watch Out, She Bites

What a day! E met so many new people. Karen came over this morning to pick up Meme and visited with Emmalina for a little bit. Then we got dressed and headed over to Mandeville to have lunch with Ms. Carlette, Mr. Bo and Ms. Janette. And after that, we stopped in to see Ms. Betty, Mr. Tom, Lila and Adaire. Whew! Very busy! Emily was such a trooper. She was so tired and slept the whole way home.
Guess who got her first tooth?! E now has her lower left incisor. It literally came in over night. Below is a video of me trying to get her to show us her tooth, but she is very protective of it...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jet Set

It's been a long day. We got to the airport at 6 this morning for our first family trip to New Orleans. It was quite an experience going through security as a is possible to jam a stroller through the xray machine. Emily was so wonderful today. If she wasn't snoozing, she was happy and smiling. She was a hit with our fellow passengers.

Meme picked us up at the airport and took us home. Billy and I got our poboy fix, but E had to settle for a bottle. but didn't seem to mind.

Emily met a bunch of new people today. Ms. Susan, Allison and her super cute girls came by first to visit with us. Then Nanain and Elizabeth popped in to say "hello".

We have a busy day tomorrow, full of shopping and visiting. Nana, Granpaw and Uncle Kyle are driving in manana, too!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Play Time with Daddy

One of these things is not like the other...One of these things just doesn't belong

Silent Night

Emily slept all night long.
For real. When I mean all night, I mean from 7:30p to 6:30a. Long enough for me to wake up at 6:15 this morning and realize that E wasn't in the bed between us, as she usually is. And promptly freak out that surely something has happened to her during the night. That the dream I had just woken up from in which I had to do CPR was surely preparing me for something terrible this morning. (is it weird that I dream about having to do CPR?? Even for a nurse?) Billy reassured me that she was fine, as he checked on her at 5 ;) I had to check on her anyway, and there my angel her crib just starting to stir from her sweet slumber.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bilingual Scooter

This has been a rough week...

1. Infirmed: Long story short, I have recently been diagnosed with asthma, two fractured ribs and areas of collapsed lung. How does this happen?? Allergies and never ending upper respiratory infections caused the asthma; the untreated asthma caused a nonstop hacking cough, which fractured two of my ribs; because broken ribs hurt like a ________, I am not breathing as deeply as I should, hence the pockets of collapsed lung. Fun times.

2. Exhausted: As seen in the previous post, we introduced "sweet-tatoes" to E. She loves them, but they don't love her. She has had some tummy trouble, ALWAYS at 3 in the morning. From 3 to 5, she fusses and goes in and out of sleep. If E ain't sleepin', ain't no one sleepin'.

3. Annoyed: The wiener dog is back from "Camp Nana". He is making us nuts. He is not dealing well with being second fiddle to Emily. He is constantly underfoot, barking, trying to beat us out the door, stealing Emily's toys, harassing us during splishy fish...

Enough griping...Emmalina said "agua" this morning. Or, at least I thought she did. Remember we are deliriously sleep deprived. And when I picked her up from daycare this afternoon, they said she scooted across the floor on her belly! I promptly took her home and tried to recreate this. I guess there is too much traction on the carpet, as she did more doggie paddling sans "agua". But she put all her heart into it!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Getting Ready for Turkey Day

Sweetpotatoes you say. Ok, I'll try it.

This beats that grubby rice cereal hands down! Sweetpotatoes are where its at!

No more? Whatcha talkin bout Willis?

Fall Flora

Today we noticed that the leaves on our oak trees are starting to change color. Emily looked closely at the difference between the dark green ones and the yellow ones.

And then we picked some tenacious yellow snapdragons out of the front garden, left over from many summers ago.

Of course the first thing we did was taste them...I hope snapdragons are not poisonous!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Winter Wonderland?

Ok, so maybe we went a little overboard, but it was pretty chilly today.

E did not seem too impressed.

Left Hook

Is it normal for a 5 month old to hit? Aggressively? Our girl packs a pretty powerful punch.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Stink Eye

God help you if you are on the other end of this...

Saturday Smiles

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Interpretation Multiple Choice

A) It burns!! Get it off me!
B) It's time for a change...a diaper change
C) Nana stuck me with this pin!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

On the Move
