Sunday, December 29, 2013

Golden Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas from the Goldens!
Pictures and commentary, to follow:

Homemade almond cookies and chocolate milk for Santa.
Reindeer food for the reindeer.
I had to work till 7pm Christmas Eve, so I had planned ahead and had the cookie dough pre-made so all we had to do was bake and ice. Well, Emmy was not feeling well and wanted to go to bed early, so Santa's treats were faithfully set out by Mama...around midnight.

After a marathon evening of wrapping and preparing, we were ready for Christmas 2013:

Santa and his reindeer liked her treats

Precious expressions full of joy!

Santa brought scooters!

Weston and his GupB:
So, Weston had a rough night coughing and carrying on; thus he was not too interested in Christmas morning and true to Weston form, did not really give two thoughts to the presents.
But...when he opened his first present, the Octonauts' GupB (orange submarine) he was so excited. So much so, that he literally did not open the rest of his presents until a day or two later.

He even cuddled up with it!!

Ok, no rhyme or reason to the order of the following pictures. My computer is dying and it is way to tedious to move the pictures around on the post...looking at you blogspot developers.

Roaring dinosaur head light

Weston made a -erm, ornament at school
Emmy Christmas morning
Bubby singing! So cute!!

Oh em gee!! The Barbie Princess Dream Castle!!

Bubby and his dinosaurs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I guess the Octonauts were a hit. The kids were so cute Christmas morning. Emily came in to tell me Santa came. Weston was unsure of everything but quickly found some surprises. I had a wonderful day with them and I can't wait until next Christmas!!
Loved the pictures and want some copies.
