Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bubby at School

We grappled with the decision of whether or not to send Weston to pre-school this year.
Ultimately, we very concerned that he may have a speech delay and that pre-school would be the best for him. That way, if our suspicions were valid, he'd have access to the resources at the elementary school.
Best decision ever.
Within the first two weeks of school, he was talking more and CLEARER.
Using words to ask for what he wanted, instead of pointing.
And, he seemed to actually be playing with other kids in his class.
(Last year, every time I spied on him in daycare or went to pick him up, he was always playing alone, separating himself from the rest of his class.)

It took him a little while to settle in, but his teachers say he is doing well and they send us pictures every week of the fun they have.

This afternoon I spied my little guy being such a good daddy to a little baby doll.

Yipe! I've been caught taking pictures of his sweet tender heart.

Mama, I know you won't embarrass me!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ashley, that last picture of him up close looks just like my Father. He has his eyes and some expressions.
I am glad to see that he is doing so well in school.
He looks so cute with the hat and vest on, just like a real cowboy. Kisses and hugs for both of my babies!
