Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Black Market Baby Sales

This is how the conversation took place, no lie:

Emily: (carrying two baby dolls) I just had these two babies out of my tummy...and they're for sale!

Parents: (aghast) You're selling your babies?!

Emily: Yep! You want one?

Parents: Well, how much does one cost?

Emily: $1

Mommy: That's a bargain. Ok, I'll take one.

Emily: (handing me one of the babies) This is Alexia and-

Mommy: Oh, I wanted a boy.

Emily: (still handing me the baby) This is a boy, his name is SuperMarket.


She was in the process of selling the other baby to her but when she found out he planned to eat it, she shut the deal down.
At least she has a conscience...kinda.

Going to school and Baby Brokering is just exhausting.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Houston, Hearts and Hair Cuts

1. Houston
We made our trip out to Houston this week for Liver Clinic. Dr. F and Sarah were excited to see us in the outpatient setting, as we were to see them as well. I half joked, actually was super serious, that regardless of what the labs said, we were not staying...just here to say "hi" quickly followed by "BYE!" Praise the Lord, we were able to laugh that off because Bubby's labs were GREAT! Well, his bili was 0.0, which is super fantastico! Everything else was hovering around where it was the previous week, but a 0.0 bili?! Amazeballs. Yeah, you read that right. Amazeballs. So, the final opinion is this: SOMETHING, SOME THING (William Shatner-like) knocked out a huge percentage of his bile ducts last fall. And whatever that SOME THING was, is now under control and/or gone. Virus? Weird additive in his meds? Other infection? Alien life? We don't know. While I would love to know what the cause of this was, could it have been avoided, can it be avoided in the future; I am just so thankful he seems to be recovering and doing so much better. And, if I've failed to mention it recently, we do have the best liver doc and transplant nurse and team in the world. We aren't just another file, or another patient and their crazy parents. They do truly care. We are so blessed in many ways. Oh, and perhaps second best news, we are going to start weaning the steroids and possibly get rid of that second immunosuppressant!! Hooray!!

My Chuy's Date
NON-jaundiced Bubby.

2. Hearts
Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Emmy was way excited. She was so precious..."Valentine's Day is about LOVING each other!!!" They had a little party at school, in which her Secret Admirer, DaddyDaddy, had a special balloon bouquet delivered. The teachers said she was so excited to get a special delivery and made sure that her classmates knew that those were HER balloons from HER Daddy.

My precious Pumpkin.
Love her so much.

3. Hair Cut
Both kids were in desperate need of hair cuts. Emmy really only needed her bangs trimmed. Heck, I can do that. *Snip, snip* Saved $15. Weston needed a full blown cut, but I was possessed by the idiotic notion that I could do it like Emmy's. What resulted, I can only describe as if Mo (Three Stooges) and Lloyd Christmas (Dumb and Dumber) had a baby...
I messed up bad. REAL BAD. So bad, that when I picked him up early to get it fixed, they brought him out and at first I was like, this bowl-cut, mushroom headed child isn't mine. Oh wait, he sure is. The hair stylist was like WHAT DID YOU DO TO THIS CHILD?! So he got one too many valentines from girls in his class. He loves only the Mommy, ok? Don't judge me. You gotta do what you gotta do. ;-p
Happy to report that it is fixed, and he is a handsome devil again.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


If there had to be a reason for the horrible stomach virus of 2013, it must have been to help Weston's system flush itself.
While everything lab-wise is still abnormal, there was a HUGE improvement in his labs a couple weeks ago. His bili level was half of what it was before. YAY!
He is doing well and we are hoping to have a good check-up on Wednesday.
Yes, we are making the trek to Houston for Liver Clinic this week.
Ya heard?!

Passed out! He doesn't like to miss his nap.
Great pic of Bubby and giraffe from our Safari

Every time we get labs drawn we have to go to the hospital and register through the ER.
Wes passes the time by trying on masks, playing with tissues and meticulously sanitizing his hands.


She's been on a sassy, crazy bender lately.
She got in trouble for having a potty mouth (poop, butts, doodie, fart, etc) and had her baby doll taken away. 
This is what happened next, no exaggeration:

*throws self on floor, wailing and gnashing of teeth*
"I want my baby back!! I want my baby baaaaaaaaaack!"
(full on Sally Field, Not Without My Daughter)

Emily, when you go 24 hours without saying nasty things, you can get your baby back...blah, blah, blah.

*continued wailing and gnashing of teeth"
"I am not a mommy anymore!! Now I am just a regular girl!"

How could you not love this?
