Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hungry, Hungry Weston

Last night was a partial success.
Weston slept in his bed from 8:45 to ~12:30, when he started freaking out every 5 minutes. We like sleep in this house, and we dare not wake the sleeping princess, so he ended up in our bed after that. AND while he didn't make it all night without a feeding, we cut it back from ~12oz to 4oz. I'd say that's pretty good for the first night, right?

We worked really hard on eating solids and cutting back on the formula:

Enjoying some apple-blueberry concoction and yogurt drops.

Emily even lent a hand during dinner:

{Isn't my girl so beautiful?! Such a sweet little mommy, too}

Right now, the big one is cuddled up with her daddy watching "minions" (Despicable Me) and the little one is self-soothing himself to sleep. Ugh.

The Easter Bun is coming to our house tonight, since we are celebrating Easter a little early since mommy will be working.
Easter egg hunt with Addison tomorrow!!! Yea!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd say the 1st night was a complete success judging from the pictures of the morning after..
Yeah for the Easter Bunny..
love granny
