Thursday, April 28, 2011

April Wrap Up

Thinking of you, little angel in Heaven...

Today, Weston is 3 months post-transplant. AND, it has been well over a month with no hospitalizations. YEA!!

We had a close call last week. In fact, I was in the process of putting my clothes on at 2:30am to go to the hospital. My theory is that W caught on to our whole "sleep in your own bed" and "no midnight snacks" scheme. If you will refer to a couple of posts ago, I said E was watching a movie with her Daddy and W was "crying it out". That "crying it out" lasted 8 hours. Little guy was having stomach cramps from a horrible stomach virus. We changed his clothes 6 times, his sheets 3 times and our sheet twice that night. Poor baby.
Everyone who came into contact with him, except Invincible E, caught it and suffered dearly. Needless to say, we still have a bedmate that wakes up twice a night. He's doing better, but it is taking him a little longer to get over it since he is immunosuppresed.

Emmy is doing well. Same silly, sassy girl. We watch "Despicable Me" at least once a day, and she knows all the lines. In fact, when she gets mad at me, she tells me that I'll never get adopted (like Miss Hattie tells Edith when she outs the mud-pie on her desk); except, it comes out as "you'll never get a doctor". HAHAHA! I guess I'll just have to do without, then. How will I ever manage?

OH EM GEE! Emily Ryan will be 3 in a month and a half. No way that is even possible. We are getting busy with the party planning. The theme changes a lot, but I think we have finally settled on one.

If E will be 3 soon, that means Wes will be 1 just a month after. Ugh. Bittersweet. Mis bébés!!

Finally, as April comes to a close, take a few minutes to re-visit Weston's picture and story have been updated to reflect his transplant. Remember, April is Donor Awareness Month. Hopefully, he have registered and told family that you'd like to be a donor. But, if you haven't, no's a great day to do so. (both links are a constant feature on the left margin, under W's picture)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every day I thank God for Weston's donor & his/her family. What a unselfish gift they gave our family. Wish they could see how far Weston has come.
Sorry you've all be sick. PawPaw had a go-round with the "V" bug too.

