Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Change of Plans

We were scheduled to go in at 0700 tomorrow for Weston's liver biopsy...the leg work was done, I requested my pick of anesthesiologists. Unfortunately, today's blood work showed that his bleeding time is prolonged, more than likely due to Vitamin K deficiency. Bile helps absorb fat soluble vitamins, such as Vitamin K. Since he is not excreting bile into his intestine, he cannot absorb these vitamins. 

SO, after all the phone calls and preparations, Dr. Z called me this evening to postpone his liver biopsy (not a good idea to poke the liver when you have a propensity to bleed longer than normal) and set up Vitamin K injections for the next three days.

I spoke candidly with Dr. K this evening. I expressed concern about the frequency of needing blood drawn and IVs for this test and that procedure.Weston is a very hard stick, 6-7 yesterday and 2 today...he's had enough and frankly, so have I. I asked if it was possible to place a longer term "IV" so that they could draw lab from it, and use it as needed for procedures. This is something that may be considered depending on the diagnosis.

He said that he is concerned is more concerned that it is biliary atresia because the HIDA scan showed that his liver is not excreting any bile at all. But, he is still hopeful that it is not because his liver was soft upon palpation last week. Right now he feels there is a 50/50 percent chance that it is atresia. Not something that we really wanted to hear.

The plan...Vitamin K injections for the rest of the week. Monday, they will arrange for an anesthesiologist to draw another lab to check his clotting and bleeding time. If he has shown improvement, he will have his biopsy and intraoperative cholangeogram on Tuesday. If there is no improvement, he will have to receive plasma during his procedure. Lets hope the vitamin k works and we can avoid blood products. We may meet with the pediatric surgeon some time this week to discuss his surgery.

I am so looking forward to Saturday and Sunday. Two whole days without him being stuck. Two whole days of not having to go to Dell and its surrounding area.

1 comment:

Kay Bradford said...

The Bradfords are thinking of you guys.
