Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Lot To Love at 22 Months

Oh Lemmy!
I can't believe you are a mere 60 days away from being two years old! This growing up business is pretty bittersweet for The Mommy and Daddy! Before we know it, you will be avoiding us and think we are lamer than lame. Until then, we will revel in all that is our sweet, little girl.

So much to love...

Your tender heart:
You are so sweet and caring. You don't like to see anyone upset or hurting...person or animal. Always concerned if we are "ok" and know when someone needs a hug. Your capacity to share at such a young age blows me away. It amazes me that you already think of others. You are a kind and loving soul, Emily Ryan.

Your silly quirkiness:
Ladybug, you crack us up. Your sense of humor is so silly and adorable. From smuggling binks in your shirt to assigning ownership to everything in the house..."that's Daddy's!" (why is everything Daddy's?!) Gooney girl! Let's not forget your love of freedom...and by that I mean "nakey-ness". You add a subtle hint of mischief to everything you do. We can't live without it.

Chatter Box:
In the last two or three months, your vocabulary has just exploded. Just this afternoon, you strung together a clear, six word sentence. Accurate and factual, I might add! Gold star for you, lovie. It is so nice when you vocalize what you want. Even though it is usually to get down or go...or for milk, yogurt, cookies or candy. ;) Let's not forget to mention your version of "I spy"..."I see bus!" always makes any outing more enjoyable.

Dancing Queen:
June can't get here fast enough! That's when you start dance lessons. Just the other day, you asked your Daddy to play Guitar Hero so you could dance to the music. Right now, I would classify your style as a fusion of interpretive and booty dancing. Adorable.

You have and always will be my sunshine.

I love you,

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