Sunday, April 25, 2010

2nd Annual RK Softball Jam

What a fun Sunday for Daddy and Emily!
This afternoon, they headed over to the Dell Diamond for the
2nd Annual Reckless Kelly Celebrity Softball Jam.
Mom was busy at work (boo!) and didn't get to go this year. But, E had a blast with her Dadda.
She danced and danced.
Charmed everyone.
And attempted multiple escapes.
I told you she was a naughty monkey!

Check this out...
April 2009

April 2010

Holy macaroni! Big girl!
Yellow is the perfect color for a softball jam, don't you think?!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Lot To Love at 22 Months

Oh Lemmy!
I can't believe you are a mere 60 days away from being two years old! This growing up business is pretty bittersweet for The Mommy and Daddy! Before we know it, you will be avoiding us and think we are lamer than lame. Until then, we will revel in all that is our sweet, little girl.

So much to love...

Your tender heart:
You are so sweet and caring. You don't like to see anyone upset or hurting...person or animal. Always concerned if we are "ok" and know when someone needs a hug. Your capacity to share at such a young age blows me away. It amazes me that you already think of others. You are a kind and loving soul, Emily Ryan.

Your silly quirkiness:
Ladybug, you crack us up. Your sense of humor is so silly and adorable. From smuggling binks in your shirt to assigning ownership to everything in the house..."that's Daddy's!" (why is everything Daddy's?!) Gooney girl! Let's not forget your love of freedom...and by that I mean "nakey-ness". You add a subtle hint of mischief to everything you do. We can't live without it.

Chatter Box:
In the last two or three months, your vocabulary has just exploded. Just this afternoon, you strung together a clear, six word sentence. Accurate and factual, I might add! Gold star for you, lovie. It is so nice when you vocalize what you want. Even though it is usually to get down or go...or for milk, yogurt, cookies or candy. ;) Let's not forget to mention your version of "I spy"..."I see bus!" always makes any outing more enjoyable.

Dancing Queen:
June can't get here fast enough! That's when you start dance lessons. Just the other day, you asked your Daddy to play Guitar Hero so you could dance to the music. Right now, I would classify your style as a fusion of interpretive and booty dancing. Adorable.

You have and always will be my sunshine.

I love you,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Baby Sasquatch Found?

Not So Wordless:
Whilst changing out of our jams and wet diap, someone got away this morning and made a break for the first open door she saw. Thank goodness it only lead to the backyard. Something tells me that this little one really enjoys being "free".

San Antonio Zoo

Emily and Mommy are back at home from visiting Nana and GD in San Antonio.
We had a really nice visit and enjoyed spending time with them.
One of our fun activities was going to the zoo!

Emily and GD checking out a Komodo Drago.

A close up of the cuddly guy.

We were very lucky to get to see some baby gibbons. CUTE!

Uh oh! A monkey escaped!!

Checking out some pretty birds that coordinate fabulously with her dress.

So, most people don't want to get this close to any animal at the zoo. However, when you have GD as a grandpa, he teaches you really bad things. Like, "Ginny Hens will bite, check this out..."
Luckily, E has cat like reflexes, and got her hand away before the she was pecked.

Another fussy refusal for a pic with the cute statue...she wanted nothing to do with them!

Not pictured were the kitties. We saw a jaguar (like Baby Jaguar from Diego) and a Max Cat on steroids (black panther). She had a great time telling the kitties "hello", waving to them and meowing. The "kitties" had a great time sizing her up for their mid-morning snack. EEK!

PS: We heard through the grape vine that the real Max Cat missed his Emmalina so much! We hear he slept on her bed all day and night, waiting for her to come home. He's such a good little panther.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Rest In Peace, Monkey

Yesterday while at work, I got the terrible news that "Monkey" was no longer with us.
Heartbreaking news.
E loved her Monkey. And The Mommy did, too.
The Daddy remained strong and took care of the details before E woke up from her nap.
We don't think she fully understands that Monkey is not here...last night for "Dancing with her Monkey" time, she danced with her Baby, but it was not the same.

In Memory of:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Yesterday, Miss Emily and I went to Mommy's doctor to check on Baby Weston.
I could tell that someone was a little apprehensive about seeing a "doctor".
When the doctor came in, she freaked!
After he gave her a sticker and some coaxing, she was half way convinced that the appointment didn't involve her.
Dr. H went to measure my belly and doppler Baby Weston's heart beat and E was NOT ok with this.
"What are you doing to MY Mommy?!"
I couldn't help but laugh.
Reassured again, she got to hear her baby brother's heartbeat...about 150 bpm.
Finally assured that the appointment was not for her, she bolted away from me when I was making my next appointment and ran through the very crowded waiting room with the biggest "you know what-eating" grin on her face.
Those first time moms sure got a shock of what is to come!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny visited!!
Checking out the basket in her monkey jams...Max making sure the Bunny left him something, too.

The Max Cat loves him some Easter Grass!

All dressed up and ready to go to Nana and GD's!
Striking a precious Easter pose.

My beautiful girl! We are so blessed!

After a short ride to San Antonio...
The Easter Bun came to Nana and GD's, too!!

And he left eggs for E to hunt!

Uncle Kyle lent a helping hand...

And so did Wiener Dog!
