Thursday, November 12, 2009


This child...
I am way too young for grey hair, but she sure is trying!
We brag that she is developmentally advanced all the time; but, I guess we never realized that there could be a downside to it.
I am 100% sure that my soon to be 17th month old is in "The Terrible Two's".
Dear God!
She is into everything.
On everything.
Screaming and whining.
And that was just today.

She decided that she wanted to check out the view from the coffee table...

And then terrorized us sitting on the couch
(it is cute, I have to admit)

Then she decided to take a page out of Max's book, and check out what was so great about the back of the couch while Mommy was running the bath water.

And the piece de resistance, she peed on the floor as she was enjoying her nakey time before splishy fish.

She surely gets all these busy body characteristics from her father...


Anonymous said...

The only thing I can say about this is.....That is why I only have two children. Ashley was not bad in her terrible two stage, but Kyle!!!!!!!!!
There are no words to describe his terrible two stage. It was so bad I decided to go back to work. The things he got into and did would take a long time to list.
Mom and Dad be prepared!!!!!!!!

The H Fam said...

I don't believe it! Not sweet Emily!!

dare2believe said...

hehehe...nice poem, but I suggest you change the text color. I can't read yellow.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you I'm sure Emily has her Daddy's body shape... He and his sister were so skinny it was shocking.. Sorry son but his terrible twos were unnerving however his sister was the one who put most of the grey hair on my head.. But it all turns out wonderful... Kiss her for me
Love Granny

Anonymous said...

love to be bad with me naked like that
