Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Must Say!

Long Lost Twins?

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I was just watching my baby sleeping and was overcome with emotion.
I know that sounds very creepy in The Hand That Rocks The Cradle sort of way, but I can't help but gush over her. She is so much fun, even when she is sleeping...sweet little smiles, dreaming about boys, no doubt. Little twitches. And being in the complete opposite side of the crib from where I put her down.
She is turning into such a little lady with personality, and then some.
Yesterday, I got to spend most of the day with her by myself. We went to the grocery and couldn't make it through a section without someone stopping and talking to and complementing her. A man in the toothpaste isle even said what a cute baby she was.
I did not know she was a "stud" magnet.
We met up with Uncle Scott and Aunt Ami for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and Little Miss got her very own specially prepared plate with bananas and bread.
On the house, of course.
She was so excited! It really was cute, cute, cute to see her gnaw on their delicious bread.
We have been honing a new trick, and once I catch it on video, I will post it.
Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


No posts for a while, I know.
Nothing has really been happening and this has been a tiring week, for some reason.
Anyway, just a few pics in the camera.

Wearing one of Mommy's scrub hats.

Killer hail storm yesterday.

Learning about hail.

Maybe this weekend will be exciting?!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Road Trip

The Daddy and E came back last night from their first trip without The Mommy. They went to East Texas to visit Memaw and PawPaw. Daddy did a great job! Emily came home in one piece and with no obvious signs of injury or illness. Hooray for The Daddy!!

This was the first time I have been alone in the house, since she was born.
No diapers to change, no one to feed or bathe...Had the bed all to myself and got to watch whatever I wanted on t.v.
Alone time is so overrated!
I was so excited when they walked through the door and Emmalina gave me the biggest smile and squeal when she saw me. :)

I am so glad they are home.
A couple pics from the big excursion
(thank you Laura for the bunny ears and photos!)

PS: Guess who is 9 months today?! She will be 18 before I know it!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Does This Diaper Make Me Look Fat??

A snack?
No thanks.
I am trying to watch my girlish figure.
Bathing suit weather is just around the corner, you know.

Ok! You twisted my arm, I'll try ONE.

Wow! These are delish! Just a few more won't hurt me.

It's ok, I have been bouncing around in my Excersaucer all day!

HA HA! You thought you could get away!

Oh my God! I totally ruined my diet!

Whatever! Might as well, since this day is already shot.

Lay off me; I'm starving!!

Oh my sweet Emmalina...welcome to all that is wonderful about being a girl.
Although, I suspect you won't have anything to worry about, you skinny little supermodel baby, with your baby six-pack and all.

PS: You have a little something on your chin, my love.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

San Antonio Saturday Sampler

Please hum the Mission Impossible theme for the full effect.
I guess bocas grandes run in the family?
The Mommy and E
The Mommy sure needs some sleep and sun. SCARY!

I told you to beware of my deadly Kung Fu moves, Old Man!

My beautiful "Drooly Julie"
3 new teeth are making their way in! 3!!
Nana love!
How awesome does Nana's hair look? The Mommy is jealous of her good hair day...

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I am told Emily beat up a fellow infant in daycare today.
I want to blow it off as a miscommunication of some sorts...perhaps a little over-exaggeration. I mean an infant smacking another infant? No way.
Unfortunately, given her past "history", I can't blow it off. My sweet, adorable E has been known to taunt other babies, monopolize time, pitch award winning hissies, and pull unsuspecting classmates' hair. All this at the ripe old age of 8 months. She is seriously the class bully.
We are nonviolent people. I don't know where she is learning this. There was this one episode of what we thought was "Blue's Clues" where Blue blew Steve up because he was taking too long to figure out the clues...turns out it was a spoof and we promptly turned it off . My dark Steve-loathing self was really digging it, though.
Marissa, if you're out there, can you tell us what really happened? Do I need to find her a therapist already? Maybe a baby strait-jacket and a teeny Hannibal Lecter face mask?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

We had an awesome weekend! Sorry, no pictures to post :(
But still, it rocked. Friday, we had 3 of mommy's favorite things: queso, ice cream and margaritas. So much for that whole diet thing...but it was well needed. E got a little taste of marg-, err, I mean ice cream and was super duper happy. The Mommy also did a little shopping for E. So, Mommy was super duper happy, too.
Saturday was a gorgeous day in the ATX; a little windy, but beautiful, nonetheless. We went downtown and met some friends for some crawfish and po-boys. Emily enjoyed being out in the sun and in one of her new outfits. We did a little early bday shopping for The Daddy after our crustacean feast.
And today, we laid low, but still had a great time together. Emmalina and I went to grocery together. My little pumpkin turned into a turkey at HEB. Geeze was she a stinker today!! She shredded my list before I realized she had it; almost put out my eye swinging her bink around on its tether; and let everyone know where we were by screeching up and down the aisles. She was entertaining, to say the least. ;)
With a wonderful weekend like we had, I am getting good vibes for a great week to come.
