Monday, April 22, 2013

Picture Purge


I don't know which one got the baby powder out, but something tells me it was

We don't do personal space in this house
Emily teaches Grandpa how to use the iPad
Eating bubbles
Watching some draft horses plow a field...
"Look!! A hawse!!"
Still enamored with horses and cows right now.

Can't believe he didn't end up in there.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Lost Toof!

Oh my baby girl is growing so fast!
Thursday night she lost her first tooth and handled it quite well.
I thought she was going to lose her mind when she realized that it was going to bleed, but she was a trooper.

So excited!!
She stuffed her toof WAAAAAAY under her pillow so it wouldn't get lost.
The Tooth Fairy visited that night and left her $5!
Man! Effects of inflation even in the fairy world!
She was super excited to go to school and show all her friends and teachers.
Speaking of school, we're getting all this paperwork about Kinder registration and Pre-K graduation.
The thought of my baby graduating?!
I thought I was cool with her going to Kinder. I mean, she's been in Day Care since she was 4 months old. I already got over the hard stuff, right?

Back to the toof.
This morning she got dressed and went to the store to buy a special present with her toof money.

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I love this pic the most because she looks so little!
Our cutie patootie preppy pumpkin.

She purchased a big bubble wand and a princess puzzle.
She originally wanted to get a REAL magic wand.
Alas, I've been searching for one of those my entire life and am still empty handed.


It looks sloppy, but its a big deal
A. Because she let me fix her hair
B. I actually braided it! I have lived 30 years not knowing how to braid.

And completely unrelated...
See that plant?
I hope I don't kill it.
