Monday, May 28, 2012


Bubby being Bubby <3

Look at that reach!! He loves playing basketball.

Of all the places to get comfy and watch Princess and the Frog.

I guess he wanted to cuddle Emily's baby.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

THE News

 We are moving!
The last 3 weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions and hard decisions.
Alas, the Golden's are moving to Stephenville.
In TWO weeks.
Holy mac and cheese.

 The Daddy has been offered a great opportunity to do database and programming for a company based out of Stephenville.
While it was a very hard decision to make in leaving the school district he's worked in for the past 10 years, the Austin area and all of our friends and's just too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Billy went to Tarleton State, so this is a "homecoming" of sorts. Plus, he gets to work with his BFF. AND make mas moolah.
Pretty cool, right? 

So, we are scrambling to get a house there, get our house ready to rent here, pack and sort.
Plan is to move the first week in June. I'm going to continue to work in Austin every weekend until I can get something in the Stephenville area.

Emily is super excited about going to a new house. Every few hours she asks if it is time to move.
We are all excited...and stressed...but very excited.

On that note, I'd better get back to work. But, I'll leave you with a gratuitous cute pic of W asking for his morning "coffee" aka chocolate milk.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Thursdays With Bubby

Bubby had a busy morning!

He took an early morning drive with his favorite pal.

I guess we all learned that he's not a great driver.

I think the horse may have received a concussion.

And then back inside for a little Shrek

Poor little guy is still dealing with this endless cold bug.

I guess our morning was a bit too cray!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Baby Girl actually wanted me to take pictures of her this evening. <3 So sweet! And I love that my beautiful baby actually looks like a baby!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Busy Bees

Weston has been elected the next Pontiff:

He actually made the hat in school a couple of weeks ago. 

Playing "popcorn" in the backyard :-)

 GD visited last weekend and they made a special trip to the park:

Then, we spent a little time in San Antonio with Nana!

There may be some Sprite in his cup.
He was a tad excited
Who needs utensils when you can stick your whole hand in your mouth?

Emmy <3's Lemons
Breakfast Bubby

 We've had a very busy end of April/start of May. Some big, exciting news coming up 
(no. no new babies...yet)
 More on that later!!
