Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

 A Very Golden Halloween 2011
Emily the "Nice Witch"
Weston the "Dinosaur"
Guest appearance by Maximus the Black Cat

The Dinosaur is not amused with the whole Halloween thing
Rawr! Godzilla attack!

Poor Bubby
My little bruja and her black kitty cat
Let's go Trick or Treating!!

 Emily had so much fun Trick or Treating. She was a little shy at the first few houses, but quickly got over that. She made quite the haul and was very good with her "thank you's".
Wes enjoyed riding in the wagon and did a little Trick or Treating.
His costume was a big hit, and varied from plain dinosaur, to T-Rex to Godzilla.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ready For Halloween

We'll give you a little sneaky peek at our Halloween festivities.
Emily had her class party last Thursday.

Dubby the Dinosaur

Emmy the Bruja front and center with her cutie pie classmates
The Dinosaur was all about carnage during the party
My little bruja
Emmy looking spooky :-)
Ok, so she wanted me to take this picture of her. She ran out to the bench to pose and everything.

Weekend Pictures!!
Dub working on his fitness
A pumpkin with a pumpkin
Two little Cowboy fans. 

It's been a slow week for pinterest. 
Crocheted headband made just in time for morning temps in the 40's.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday::Nudist

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, October 20, 2011

TWO Week Review

It's been a little busy over here.
Last Friday, Granny and Grandpaw came in from Nevada for a weekend visit.
We got a date night that evening and checked out Red's Porch and Gordough's. Yum!
The kids really enjoy running Granny and Grandpaw ragged. Weston and Grandpaw must share a special bond. I've never heard that child jabber and converse with anyone like he does with his Granpaw.

This week had been pretty uneventful, until today.
I had to take Emmy and Wes in for vaccines. E got a flu shot and Bubby got FOUR.
After an hour of restraining and baby wrangling, I was soaked with sweat.
But, with post-trauma Happy Meals and advil and tylenol on board, I am hoping for a better afternoon.
Unfortunately, tomorrow is not going to be any better for poor Weston. He is scheduled for labs and the heinous pentamidine breathing treatment. I think he would prefer to be stuck 100 times than have the pentamidine.

And now for pics...
When he watches his movies, he paces around the perimeter of the coffee table and then squats 4-5 times trying to sit down. It's so silly!
Emmy with some contraband suckers.
I got this at work, Sunday. I literally LOL'd. Goofy boy.

No week in review would be complete without:

How Pinterest Consumed Influenced My Life This Week:
(aside from the hours upon hours of pinning)
.:Good For You Cookie Dough:.
So the girl who posted this said that she brought this to a party as a dip with fruit and graham crackers and didn't tell anyone it was a "healthy" dish. She claims no one guessed it was anything other than a fat and sugar laden cookie dough dip. I was sucked in and intrigued. I had to check it out. First of all, it's made with chick peas. I'm sorry, if I were at a party, I would totally know something was up with this stuff. Don't get me wrong, it was horrible, but it wasn't good. So, the next logical step was...

.:Cookie Dough Brownies:.

The real thing. Much better than the aforementioned cookie dough substance, but still not GREAT. The brownie part was from scratch and was really fudgy and good. But, I'm just not diggin' the dough.
Oh well, I need to stick to my diet anyway.
 .:Toddler Magic Trick:.
So, I modified it a bit by using an empty oatmeal cylinder that I covered with scrapbook paper and cut a hole in the top. I would seriously recommend SEWING the scraps together as opposed to knotting them, because it is not easy for them to pull them out of the opening.
Not that it is actually used for this purpose.
Meet "Rapunzel"
Emmy hijacked the scraps and has been pretending that it is Rapunzel and/or her hair.
She takes this knot of scraps with her everywhere, even sleeps with it.
So, what's a good, crafty mother to do...

.:Rapunzel Reject Hair:.
I found a skein of yellow yarn in my stash and braided this up, attached a hair clip to the top so she could actually wear it...
She came home from school and I eagerly showed her the surprise. She REFUSED to wear it and threw it on the ground, snatching up "Rapunzel".

p.s.::have you noticed the new pics on the blog? our latest treasures from robin winkles. <3

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday::Grubby Bubby

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, October 7, 2011

Nothing but Pinterest

How Pinterest Consumed Influenced My Life This Week:
(aside from the hours upon hours of pinning)
.:Fancy Pants Pizza:.

Also known as Fresh Tomato Mozzarella Tart with Garlic Basil Crust
and the kids loved it
annnnnnd I made the crust from scratch

.:Chubby Hubby Bars:.

Inspired by the Ben&Jerry's ice cream.
meh...probably not worth the calories

.:Audio Book:.
Always looking for something to listen to while I crochet at night.
Ugh, it had the potential to be scary. Alas, it wasn't.
It was ok, not worth the iTunes fee.

Fun projects in store for next week!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

T-Rex ain't got nothin' on me!!

Weston vs tyrannosaurus rex

W shows off his war face

T-Rex goes down!!

Bite! Bite! Bite!

T-Rex tries an opportunistic strike

The victor reigns supreme!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

16 Hours in Houston

There and back in less than 24 hours. 

Weston weighed 27lbs 8.9oz
and is 2'7.8" tall.
(88th percentile for weight, 78th percentile for height)
Everyone was thrilled to see him!

Weston and his Dream Team:
Stacey (dietician) and Julie (transplant nurse)

Dr. Fishman

One of his enzymes was slightly elevated, but nothing else was out of the ordinary.
Nothing to be concerned about.
We'll recheck labs in a couple of weeks and go for another checkup in January.

We had a change of plans, and decided not to go to the zoo today.
Probably a good idea, considering our big guy slept through lunch...

And this is what happened when I told Miss to smile...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday Funday

I've mentioned before that some of the best pics that make the blog are texted to me on the weekends while I am at work, and missing my babies and baby daddy.
The baby daddy has mad iPhone picture taking skillz :-)

SO, when these came through yesterday, it was the bright, shining light in the butt hole kind of day I was having.

I L<3VE this pic!! Makes me SO happy.


 This is going to be a busy week!
Tomorrow, we are having family pictures taken by the lovely and talented Ms. Robin Winkles. It is a little bittersweet, because it's our last shoot. Robin has been our family photographer from our maternity pics for Emmy!!
3+ years of beautiful memories, courtesy of Robin. 

Then, we will be headed to Houston for W's check-up at Texas Children's. 
I can't wait for them to see how great he is doing!
Maybe sneak in a little zoo trip, Smashburger for the Daddy?

But today, I am not ashamed to say that I am enjoying a very lazy tv/movie day with my Bubby.
