Monday, July 25, 2011

Way to Go!!!

We are celebrating some major accomplishments over here at the Golden house...

Pretty good form, don't you agree??

It would appear that she is posing with random toys and cookie all over her face...but, the thing is
She EARNED her toys back after they were taken away and earned her cookies.
E started pooping in the potty!!!
You go Big Girl!!!
Sunday was the day she decided enough was enough.
No more pooped panties.
We are going on 48 hours without any day-time accidents.



I love the encouragement from big sister in the back ground.
Today was Wes' 1 year old check up.
He is a BEAST!
Weighing in at 25lbs 1oz and 31" tall.
That's approximately 98th% for weight and 90th% for height.
Big, HEALTHY boy.
So healthy, he got two immunizations. poo.
Healthy, none-the-less.

Mommy and Daddy
Our bathroom has been cleaned from TOP to BOTTOM! 
Cabinets and closets cleaned out and organized. 
So nice.
Tomorrow, our bedroom.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Weston

At 0853, we promptly sang Happy Birthday to my sweet Weston.
We all had a wonderful day of celebrating our special guy.
We are so blessed.

Sweet, little Emmy toes at breakfast

Good morning, Birthday Boy! 

The Cake

The "organ donor awareness" ribbon...always in our hearts and minds

The "smash cake"

Emily being, well,Emily

My BIG BOY (so the nose...he fell the other day and scrapped up his poor nose...just in time for all his birthday pics...that's ok, he's still a Studly Muffin!)



Still pooped!

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Monday, July 18, 2011

What a Year

I can't believe in less than 36 hours, my little guy will turn 1. Billy and I were saying that this year has slipped away, but also felt like an eternity.

I teared up when I was selecting pictures for this post. I can't believe Weston has been thru. I can tell now, from pictures, how sick he was. What a miracle God has given us. Born in July, and reborn in January.

A year, in pictures...


Welcome to the world, my handsome little guy!
July 19, 2010




Kasai Procedure, September 1, 2010
Seeing my child like this was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. Nothing could prepare you for that...

But, back to "all smiles" within a couple of days




Weston's first Christmas


Baptism in the hospital

January 28, 2011
Weston gets a second chance, thanks to God and a Donor Angel.

First smile post-transplant


Leaving the hospital!!







My strong, healthy boy
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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Not a Baby Anymore!

And he loves him some Yo Gabba Gabba!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday::Cool Pool Party

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

ANOTHER Week in Review

Yep, another summer week has quickly flown by and yep, I haven't updated in a week.
What the heck has been going on?!

Daddy and E went on a movie date <3 <3

And diarrhea (not're welcome!)

How do you know we are Longhorn fans...

Because at a SAFARI, we take pictures of Longhorns.

So, the gist of the place: is you ride around the ranch in your car, check out the animals and feed them from the window. ANNNNND they stick their heads in your car, searching for more food because you didn't feed them enough...
Emmy freaked! I freaked!
A zebra right out our window.

Emmy has spent the weekend and first part of the week with her Nana.

Poor Wes. His tummy has been sick for a week, and he's not wanting to eat a whole lot of solid foods. 
He lived on Pedialyte for 3 days.
Long story short, we have no idea what's caused all of this. The docs think it was probably a virus on top of milk sensitivity.

BUT, the best news is that 
Praise the Lord!!

He is doing better today. His rash is fading, tummy seems to be a LITTLE bit better.

AND he has had AWESOME "shark fin" hair all day!!
My super happy, sweet guy!
Guess who's going to be a YEAR old in a week!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's July Already??

I knew I was late posting the pics from Houston, but I didn't realize that I was already 5 days into July. Yikes.
The Houston trip was interesting. Emily and Weston were out of their comfort zones at Uncle Johnny's and Auntie M's...thus there was a metric ass ton of whining and tantrum throwing. 
Our visit with the Transplant Team was ok. Wes' liver enzymes have stayed the same since the last time we checked them. But, he's been sick with this and that forever. So, recheck this Friday.

After our appointment, we checked out the Houston Aquarium.
The best part of the aquarium was the White the aquarium.
Oh, and this:

Is that thing not CREEPY?! The tiger, not my precious E.

He was not amused by our attempt to appease the crazed tiger.
 The rides were fun, though. We rode the Ferris Wheel and the Carousel.
My sweet little alligator wras'ler. He's actually holding on!!

My beautiful baby girl <3
 Billy and Alli rode the Lighthouse Free-Fall. Emmy wanted to ride so badly.

Back at home...

Thursday, we had our weekly dinner with Los Harman's

Wes and his best Gal Pal, Addison

Friday, Emmy went to the doctor for her 3 year old check up. 
She is 42" tall and 33lbs. 
She's about the 50th percentile for weight, and 50th for height...FOR A 4.5 YEAR OLD!!
Holy guacamole!
She had to get one shot...she was not a happy camper.

Fourth of July at a Trauma Center...'nuff said.

Weston's War Face

Emmy went to swimming lessons, and will be moving up to the next level!!
Way to go E!!

E's in the pink suit

She's so good, she can swim with whales.

And the piece de resistance of Tuesday...
"My room is all clean!! Ta-dah!"
