Friday, June 26, 2009

Flight of Ideas

BEES! They're all over me!!

Hey! We just got the first set of proofs from E's 1 year portraits. They are so awesome:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Raindrops on Roses and Wiskers on Kittens

I found a paper in E's diaper bag this afternoon...
exactly one year ago to this day, she weighed 6.9lbs.
Ugh! I can't believe how much she has grown.
Current Favorite Things and Activities
1. The Max Cat
2. Dancing
3. Kissing boys, and I MEAN kissing!
4. Her princess car
5. Books
6. Phones
7. Water...especially the cat water
8. Music
9. Bubbles
10. Daredevil tricks with Daddy and giving Mommy hugs
Favorite Foods and Drinks:
1. Chocolate Milk
2. Bananas
3. Ice Cold Water
4. Mommy's guacamole concoction
5. Fish Sticks
6. Cheese
7. Biscuits
8. Animal Crackers
9. Cereal (esp Puffins and Cheerios)
10. Ice Cream
Not So Favorite Things...
1. Tile floors
2. Changing diaps
3. Getting dressed
4. Confinement in the car seat, stroller and shopping cart
5. Wearing shoes
(and LSU Tigers ;p)

Monday, June 22, 2009

We Love the Daddy!

Ok, I know I am a little late with the Daddy Day post!!
I was working!!
Better late then never!
E and I want everyone to know how awesome The Daddy is!

Have you ever seen a prouder papa?

Sweet kisses.
The Daddy is pretty cool to hang out with while Mommy is at work.
E and Daddy work on their crazy hair-dos

And he set up her new pool!!

You are the bestest Daddy in the world.
We love you!
PS: Happy Grandpa day to Grandpa D, Grandpa S and PawPaw.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, My Love

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You'll never know E, how much I love thee

Please don't take my sunshine away.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

No Rest For The Wicked

As I said in the last post, I had a busy weekend at work.
Normally, it is no big deal. That's why I have 4 days off.
Work hard, rest hard.
Not so much this week.
For it is the Emmalina's Birthday Preparation Extravaganza!
Monday, E drove me to San Antonio to pick up Meme and to stay with Nana and GD
(lol, Grandpa D...but fitting, I must say)
(yes, barely a year going on 25)
After picking Meme up at the airport, we went to lunch and did a little browsing.
Well, not so much browsing as purchasing.
My love bug's alter ego was in full effect these past few days.
Poor baby is getting all of her big girl molars at once, and has been quite cranky.
No one would do, except The Mama. While wonderful for the Mommy Ego, it can be quite exhausting at the end of the day.
'Tude Watch '09:

What?! He was like that when I got over here!

Hand on the hip...there are no words for the fear I have of what is to come.

My little girl is turning 1 tomorrow.
I can't believe it.

I have been on the go in party prep mode for the last few days, that I haven't had a whole lot of time to enjoy the last few moments of "my baby".

It's a bittersweet things, these birthdays...

Last "baby" pic.
(yes, that is a tattoo that her Nana put on her. The Daddy noted that she came home with a longer mullet, wife beater t-shirt and tattoos after spending a few days with her Louisiana Meme)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

What a Weekend

The Mommy is thrilled that it is Sunday evening.
ROT Rally kept us quite busy during my 3 shifts.
Granny and Grandpa are in from Nevada visiting the little munchkin...and us, too ;)
Emily is having a great time playing with Grandpa and getting lots of love from her Granny.
The Daddy is happy to have a couple extra hands to help!
This week is going to be busy, too.
Tomorrow, E and I are going to San Antonio to pick up MeMe from the airport and spend a few days with her, and Nana and Grandpa.
Then, we will be back in time for SOMEONE'S big birthday party!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Discovering Music

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One Week to Go!

E's first birthday is one week away!!
I can't believe it. Seems like just yesterday I looked like this:

Yep, that was me a year ago.



(not in a sexy way; Hot as in it was 105 degrees outside),



desperately wanting to meet my baby girl.

A Day in the Life

1. Grocery
2. Gymboree with Savannah and her mommy
3. Starbucks with mommy
4. To the vet with Max (again!)
5. Practice giving kisses and walking
Notice there was no nap in that schedule...
Thank goodness Savannah's mommy was prepared for our first Gymboree day!
E's mommy forgot her camera. And yes, she stole this pic from the H's blog.
The girls had so much fun today.
Emily loved the bubbles, songs and parachute time!
Can't wait to go back Thursday.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Today is E's Grandpa D's birthday!!
We hope you have a very happy day and will see you soon.
Love you, Dad!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Guess what?!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Poor Moose!

Max, our tiny panther, has had a rough day.

He must have snuck out yesterday evening when we were in and out cooking dinner.

Evidently, spent the whole night outside; where he was attacked by some animal. Then got stuck under the BBQ pit trying to get out of the rain.

E and I took him to the vet to get checked out, and every time the touched him, he made that horrible Pet Cemetery cat yowl.

My sweet little girl did not like seeing her Max Cat-a-potamus hurting, and started crying when he would make that noise.

Before we left, she gave him the sweetest, gentlest touch on the head.

It is amazing what our young ones can sense and how much they can love.
Max is spending the night at the vet, getting antibiotics, pains meds and rabies boosters.
Keep our beloved Max Moose in your prayers.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How Freakin' Cute is This??

E's First Class Picture:
