Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

The Spooky Spider must feed.
That will teach you to make a vaccination appointment on Halloween!
(photo by The Daddy)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Toe Cheese Thursday

Hey! Look what I can do!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Emily and I are sick again for the third time in a month and a half. I think we keep reinfecting each other with the same cold. Somehow, The Daddy has dodged the viral bullet each time...not fair. One would think between my obsessive hand washing and being exposed to God knows what as a nurse, I would have a superhero immune system...not the case. Poor little E and I communicate through our sniffles.

Emily practiced her trick or treating this afternoon. Check out her awesome treats.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Her Mother's Daughter

E and I got up early this morning and met Nana at the outlet mall in San Marcos. This was our first real shopping experience. Of course we have literally run, screaming through the grocery and Target. As you can imagine, I was a little anxious how we would tolerate the outlet mall.
I am so proud of my girl! She cruised around in her stroller and loved seeing all the different colors and feeling the different textured fabrics. She is a big fan of navy blue chinos and fuzzy orange hoodies. (Side note: if you are in the area, they have some awesome sales! You can never go wrong with BOGO 50% off on shoes, or half
priced Gap jeans!)

We made it back in time to watch most of the Texas game with Daddy. We love the Daddy :) We love the Longhorns :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Great Day

Both of us were restless and in and out of sleep. We had been built up and disappointed so many times before. Billy knew I was awake and he rolled over and said, “Are we just going to lay here for 3 more hours or are you going to take the test?” That was all the persuading I needed. Three minutes later, we found out that Emily was on her way. What a happy day it was for the Golden’s a year ago today!

This time last year, Emily was smaller than a grain of rice. What a miracle and blessing life is!

NOT what a sleepy girl should look like.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Say It, Don't Spray It

Day 4 of rice, I could not feed her fast enough. She is still getting the hang of eating from a spoon and when the immediate gratification is not there, look out eardrums! Every day there is less under her chin and in my hair. So I think a decent amount is actually making its way to her stomach. Or she has new hiding spot with 4 days worth of runoff in it...

This morning, we discovered the fantastic joys of the raspberry. I am sure she practiced all day at daycare, too. Raspberry+cereal=impending disaster...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Most Terrifying

Have you met our creepy, crawly, frighteningly adorable little spider??

E is a big fan of "Itsy Bitsy Spider", so it was only natural that she be an itsy bitsy spider for Halloween. She will thank me later when she realizes that daddy wanted her to be a whoopie cushion.

We packed up our little spider and headed for the pumpkin patch this morning. We saw lots of pumpkins of all shapes and sizes. Even some that were Emily sized...

And guess what we found in our backyard this evening!!

Hook'em Horns!

Friday, October 17, 2008

String Bean Lady

E had a big day!

She had her 4 month check up this morning. (4 months! Can you believe?) Our little baby supermodel is a svelte 11lbs 14oz and 2ft 2.25in tall. She is literally off the growth chart for length! The doctor said she was healthy and happy, but would like to see her with a little more meat on her bones at her next appointment. (I wish I had that problem!)

Baby Tylenol and Daddy Time helped her take her mind off of the evil DTaP vaccine and her sore leg.

And the best for last...the start of big girl food. Emily has been wistfully watching us eat for over a month now. If only she had teeth! We got the green light to start rice cereal today. And while most of it ended up on the bib, the burp rag, and on her and me, I think she did surprisingly well with her first spoon feeding. My little girl is growing up!!
